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How many nodes are there in your Instance ?

How many nodes are there in your Instance ?

To discover how many nodes you have in your Instance, you may execute one of the procedures below:

1 - db2 get snapshot for dbm

You can find the number of database partitions in DB2 instance using snapshot for dbm:

db2 get snapshot for dbm | grep -i partitions

"db2 get snapshot for dbm | grep -i partitions" Output
Number of database partitions in DB2 instance  = 4

In this example, we have 4 partitions in this instance.

2 - db2nodes.cfg

Open the file db2nodes.cfg and it will show you how many nodes you have in your instance:

On Windows:

The db2nodes.cfg is usually on:
"C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\<instancename>\db2nodes.cfg"

Content of db2nodes.cfg

0 node1 0
1 node2 1
So, in this case, your instance has 2 partitions.

On Unix:

The db2nodes.cfg is usually on /instancehome/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg

Content of db2nodes.cfg
0 node1 0
1 node2 1
2 node3 2
3 node4 3
4 node5 4
5 node6 5
6 node7 6
7 node8 7
8 node9 8

In this example, we have 9 partitions in this instance.

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