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improvement of select

1 See how long it takes to select the run

db2batch -d <database> -f <file_select> -o p 2 -i complete |more

* 1 row(s) fetched, 1 row(s) output.

* Prepare Time is:       0.013397 seconds
* Execute Time is:       0.755534 seconds
* Fetch Time is:         0.000602 seconds
* Elapsed Time is:       0.769532 seconds (complete)

2 create index to select.

 db2advis -d <database> -s  "<select>"
3 See how long it takes to select the run after the creation of the index

db2batch -d <database> -f <file_select> -o p 2 -i complete |more

* 1 row(s) fetched, 1 row(s) output.

* Prepare Time is:       0.010528 seconds
* Execute Time is:       0.170528 seconds
* Fetch Time is:         0.000085 seconds
* Elapsed Time is:       0.181142 seconds (complete)

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