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How to view memory statistics for a database partition

db2pd -dbptnmem

The db2pd -dbptnmem command shows how much memory the DB2 server is currently consuming and, at a high level, which areas of the server are using that memory.

Here is an example of the output from db2pd -dbptnmem on an AIX machine:

Database Partition Memory Controller Statistics

Controller Automatic: Y
Memory Limit: 122931408 KB
Current usage: 651008 KB
HWM usage: 651008 KB
Cached memory: 231296 KB
Here are the descriptions of these data fields and columns:
  • Controller Automatic: Y if the instance_memory configuration parameter is set to AUTOMATIC. This means that database manager automatically determines the upper boundary on memory consumption.
  • Memory Limit: The DB2 server's upper bound of memory that can be consumed. It is the value of the instance_memory configuration parameter.
  • Current usage: The amount of memory the server is currently consuming.
  • HWM usage: The high water mark (HWM) or peak memory usage that has been consumed since the activation of the database partition (when the db2start command was run).
  • Cached memory: How much of the current usage is not currently being used, but is cached for performance reasons for future memory requests.

The continuation of the sample output from the db2pd -dbptnmem on AIX is shown below.

Individual Memory Consumers:
Name Mem Used (KB) HWM Used (KB) Cached (KB)
APPL-DBONE 160000 160000 159616
DBMS-name 38528 38528 3776
FMP_RESOURCES 22528 22528 0
PRIVATE 13120 13120 740
FCM_RESOURCES 10048 10048 0
LCL-p606416 128 128 0
DB-DBONE 406656 406656 67200
All registered "consumers" of memory within the DB2 server are listed with the amount of the total memory they are consuming. The column descriptions are:
  • Name: A brief, distinguishing name of a "consumer" of memory. Examples include:
    • APPL-<dbname> for application memory consumed for database <dbname>
    • DBMS-xxx for global database manager memory requirements
    • FMP_RESOURCES for memory required to communicate with db2fmps
    • PRIVATE for miscellaneous private memory requirements
    • FCM_RESOURCES for Fast Communication Manager resources
    • LCL-<pid> for memory segment used to communicate with local applications
    • DB-<dbname> for database memory consumed for database <dbname>
  • Mem Used (KB): How much memory is currently allotted to that consumer.
  • HWM Used (KB): High-Water Mark, or Peak, memory that the consumer has used.
  • Cached (KB): Of the Mem Used (KB), the amount of memory that is not currently being used but is immediately available for future memory allocations.
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