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Useful Unix and Linux Commands

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DB2 problem determination using UNIX and Linux commands and utilities

Monitor CPU, MEM and I/O usage

AIX utilities and commands which you can use either to analyze the issue

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How to list the most biggest directory on AIX

du command - To list the most biggest directory

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Displaying output and copying to a file - tee command

Displaying program output and copying to a file (tee command)

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How to renew IP address on Linux

getting IP again when you get network issues

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How to check CPU Info

reading the file /proc/cpuinfo to check cpu information: bits, model, Mhz, Cache,etc ...

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How to get a csv list of system users?

Sometimes you need to get a list of users to generate a script like governorĀ“s config file. All your users must have a common name pattern, in this case: usr0.

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How to remove special characters from files on LINUX

Remove special characters, blank spaces, ^M, ^@, etc.

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